Tally ERP9
1. Introduction of Basic Accounting & Finance
2. Advantage of Computer Accounting
3. Introduction of Tally ERP9, Creation of a company with Accounts and Inventory mode.
4. Company Modification/Deletion/Shut
6. Create of using password and vault
7. Ledger Creation with Single/Multiple Mode
8. Ledger view at a Glance
9. Ledger Modification/Deletion
10. Unit of Measure creation
11. Inventory creation/Viewing/Deletion
12. Vouchers
13. Purchase & Sales Entry with/without inventory
14. Vouchers Modification/Deletion/Date change
15. Active/Deactive calculator and usages
16. Transactions Entry – Purchase/Purchase Returns, Sales/Sales returns
Debit/Credit Notes, Delivery/Receipt Note, Rejection In/
Rejection out, Contra, Journal, Receipt.
17. Cash Book/Bank Book, Purchase/Sales Register with Customized Features Added
18. Allow Zero Values Entries
19. Maintain Bill wise Details
20. Set/change credit limit for customers
21. Create/Alter/Delete Alternate Units
22. Godown Creation/Alteration, Transfer items from one godown into another
23. Shortcut key for Ledger Creation from Vouchers
24. Viewing for Trial Balance/Profit & Loss/ Balance Sheet
25. Stock summary/Ratio Analysis
26. Day Book, Ledger Finance Report Status etc.
27. Cash and Bank flow Statement
28. Bank Reconciliation Statement
29. Single/Multiple Vouchers Entry
30. Using shortcut keys
31. Different settings
GST Part
1. Basics, Basic Terms-IGST, SGST, CGST, UTGST, Composition scheme,
Input Tax credit etc.
2. GST settings- company level as well as Items level
3. GST Ledger Creation
4. GST Transactions: Sales/Sales Return, Purchase/Purchase Returns etc.
5. GST Treatment on Discount on Sales/Purchase items